Mensch und Maschine Software SE presenting Annual Report 2021

M+M is back to record chasing

  • EBIT outperforming pre-crisis year 2019 by +28%
  • Founder Adi Drotleff switched to ‘Active Chairman’
Wessling, March 14, 2022 – Mensch und Maschine Software SE (MUM - ISIN DE0006580806), a CAD/CAM/BIM specialist company, today presents its Annual Report 2021, describing how M+M, after the turbulent year 2020 - beginning with a very strong Q1, followed by Corona retarding effects - continued its record chasing, clearly outperforming the pre-crisis year 2019 by +28% at EBIT level.
Sales climbed to EUR 266.16 mln (PY: 243.93 / +9.1%), with EUR 84.16 mln (PY: 75.61 / +11%) from M+M Software and EUR 182.00 mln (PY: 168.38 / +8.1%) from the VAR Business.
Operating profit EBIT grew to EUR 34.69 mln (PY: 31.03 / +12%), also a new company record. The growth was fairly equally contributed by Software at EUR 21.36 mln (PY: 19.14) and VAR Business at EUR 13.33 mln (PY: 11.90). Compared to 2019, EBIT increase of +28% was more than three times higher than the +8.2% sales growth.
Net profit after minority shares amounting to EUR 21.31 mln (PY: 18.71 / +14%), or 126 Cents/share (PY: 111.5), also marked a new record.
Operating cash flows amounted to EUR 36.91 mln (PY: 33.73 / 2019: 26.35) or 218 Cents/share (PY: 201 / 2019: 157), slightly better than preliminarily published.
Management will propose to the annual shareholders’ meeting on May 11 to pay a dividend increased to 120 Cents (PY: 100 / +20%), again including the option to be paid out in cash or as a share dividend.
For M+M Founder Adi Drotleff, who has largely withdrawn from daily business in recent years, this is the perfect background for his next step: ’Since Jan 1, 2022, I am no longer CEO at my own request, but only simple managing director and active Chairman of the Supervisory Board. I shall focus on non-operational fields such as strategy, supervision and capital market communication, knowing that operational leadership is in good hands with COO Christoph Aschenbrenner, CFO Markus Pech and their perfectly coordinated management team.’